AutoSimply SalesAnyhwere 2021 New Features and Enhancements
SalesAnywhere 2021 New Features and Enhancements
Support partial shipment
Support edit document
Support Kitting item with component stock information and quantity checking
Support miscellaneous charges
Enhanced item searching to show prices and default selling UoMs
POS mode
- Grid view with item images
- Payment with credit card function (need to set up credit card mapping)
- Receipt and report printing
- Document action and permission settings
- Item stock information in locations
- Retrieve previous documents for editing, posting and report printing
Support "Ship Via" input and default ship via value for document
Support to select price list when editing item
Option to keep quotation while creating document(s) based on the quotation
Over-ship warning
Add Korean language and multi-language support
Added validation and checking for actions in different document types
Added commit quantity function and commit all quantity in a document
Added price check and multiple validation when editing item detail
Added quantity and commit quantity checking for kitting item
Added document discount percentage and amount
Added option to include misc. charges for discount
Added default price list in SalesAnywhere options
Added more detail information when searching customer (e.g.price list, terms, credit limit...)
Added more detail information when searching document (e.g.related documents, tax, total, last created by...)
Added "Reference" column input for document
Added "PO number" column input for document
Added header and line "Expected ship date” input
Added header "Comment” input for document
Added "Ship date” input for shipment